Resource-Article Inspired by....
Author: Jersey Dermic-
Title -The Real Different
Posted by: KINGDEMIC 5/1/17

To Read The Article, “ The Real Different” Click the Link Below

From what I have read so far, this article suggest that there are 4 kinds of soulmates that you will encounter in your lifetime.

Other suggestions made by author;

  • Soulmates have the ability to give true reality checks
  • Soulmates are the most important people you will ever meet

The 4 different types of soulmates suggested by the author-

The Healing Soul Mates
(My Interpretation “Smoking Mirrors)

These little ankle biters come into your life at the right time, long enough to teach you things about yourself you probably never acknowledged before by pulling a you on you. My daddy always used to say, “Treat others the way you wanted to be treated” So I guess these are the ones that gives us the what goes around comes around effect, whether good or bad.

Side Effect- The situationship only last as long as the learning purpose is needed.

This article also suggest that the best way to nurture this type of “situationship” is to realize it's only temporary...I mean of course. What really last forever? Before you ask yourself that question, let's go deeper. How long do you consider forever to be? A lifetime, or as long as you are able to tolerate and/or
handle the situation.

You ever ran across a person that you instantly clicked with? I mean you and this individual has so many things in common that it was borderline scary but at the same time, it felt like it was meant to be?
Before you start smiling and reminiscing, let me go ahead and kind of sprinkle on your parade. In some cases, the same thing/people that make you laugh can make you cry. This is the perfect definition of the Healing Soulmate. Another way you can look at this, is a person you may have considered a 'bestie”, play brother/sister, dipset, or whatever title you feel comfortable with and the relationship either took a turn for the worst, or just faded. Regardless of how it ended, it was beneficial.
I do not own the copyrights to the photo message above- I found it online

Past -Life Soul Mates
My interpretation- Have we met? (It's rhetorical. The Answer is No)

You will develop an instant connection with this person that will feel like you have known them forever. This will be a lifetime friendship-No matter how close or fa apart you may become, you will never lose touch. I call this the “forever friend”. The two of you have such a powerful connection, you accept the good with the bad. They help you grow as an individual without the pain and negativity that the Healing Soulmate brings to the table. You may even feel a romantic connection with this person, but trust and believe, it will temporarily sour the relationship. Only because, it was not meant to be that way. Be careful as not to confuse your feelings. You love this person, but you're not in love. You may think you are, but you're not sexually attracted to this person, and if you try and force a physical relationship, both of you will be disappointed. The rhythm will be off. Size will matter. Don't get disappointed because this will be your best friend that will have your best interest and well being at heart. They will drop everything just to be by your side, and no matter what you are going through, you will equally be the same.

You will bring out the best in each other.

Karmic Soul Mate
My interpretation-Your Lesson Learned

This is the friend that you have a kinetic energy with-Kinetic energy is energy that can not be eliminated or destroyed. It can only be transferred from one subject matter to the next. In this case, it's the negative things that you have experienced in the past, whether of your own fault, or the fault of someone else. It's a reminder of what not to continue to do. Karmic Soul Mates are almost like your evil twin, (the frog in the mirror).

In times of despair in this particular friendship, you will always need to opt out and be the bigger person to keep the other person calm.

Twin Flames
The friend that matches your swag....

Just like the previous breakdowns of soulmates mentioned above, you will feel like you have always known each other. You will always be completely honest with each other. This situationship can be short lived or long lasting. If and when it ends, it will be so heart breaking, it may feel that you have been hit by a car.

To remain sane and humble as possible, just remember, everything and everyone that you encounter is a learning experience. Thank God for the experience. Whether it's good or bad. If you learned or gained anything from it, consider it a blessing as well as a learning tool and grow from it.

Illustration above provided by great friend Ali B.

Chasity C.

Source: https://simplecapacity.com


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