For years I have been trying to expand all of experience, education, and passion into a field that suits me. I always wanted to start my own business, but was not exactly sure which direction I wanted to go in. Have you ever felt that way?  I am thirtiesh years old, and has been in school ever since I was eighteen months old. Upon graduating from high school from a vocational high school with a major in business, I wanted to go further into business administration so I enrolled office technology/medical transcription so I can enhance my administration skills. I never wanted to go into the medical field, but loved the idea of helping others, and getting paid for it. I had always imagined myself working in an office setting sitting at a desk, but I couldn't vision exactly what I was doing., but I felt important just thinking about it. After obtaining my certificate. I immediately applied for jobs. Thinking back about it, I should have went to a University, but I lack patience when I see a goal in front of me. I tend to fast forward to the good part .  Anyway, I applied for receptionist and administrative positions and obtained my first job as a file clerk at the University of Chicago Hospital through a temporary agency. I worked there on a six month contract. We were responsible for all the medical charts for the entire hospital which consisted of over 120 specialty departments. Although, I was only there for six months, I’m a fast learner and enhanced my organizational skills. After that, my next assignment was working as an HMO enrollment specialist for the temp agency at Cook County Hospital. My job was to sit in different departments of the hospital’s waiting areas for outpatients, educate them about the HMO program, and convince them to enroll. I was actually pretty good at it. I discovered that I have the gift of gab and a very competitive nature. One of the requirements of the job was to get at least seven enrollments a day. My average was eleven. This contract position lasted for nine months. I didn't like the idea of short assignments, but somehow I knew it would benefit me in the future. Upon,   completing that assignment, my next assignment (with the same agency), was a customer service representative for  Magellan Behavioral Health, which was the mental health division for Blue Cross and Blue Shields. I felt so important performing as an advocate for people inquiring about their benefits. Since then, I have worked for call centers ranging from insurance renewals and verification to consolidation on student loans, as well as, collections on student loans. These positions in addition to college lasted for twenty years.


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