YOU KNOW I LOVE TO PASS ALONG VALUABLE INFORMATION W hen owning your own business it is very important to be knowledgeable about the tidiest details. I perform many business writing duties to for my clients. I just felt this was something worth sharing. I found this on*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_20140826152820*519959056*5avoiding*5copyright*5infringement*5the*54*5factors*5of*5fair*5use&trk=mp-ph-pn In May of 2011 millions of fans filled theaters across the nation to witness the release of the sequel to the hilarious film involving a bachelor party trip to Vegas. This sequel, The Hangover Part II, was produced with an $80 million budget and grossed over $500 million worldwide by late June of that year. Many fans raved of its comical appeal and instantly knew that the film would be a hit, but what many fans aren’t aware of is that the movie release...
YOU MIGHT TAKE ONE LOOK AT MY BLOG AND WONDER, SHE HAS A LOT GOING ON....... The truth is, you are absolutely right. I operate my business and blog for several purposes; MY NAME IS Chasity D' Chapel ONLINE MARKETING AND PROMOTION FOR INDIVIDUALS AND SMALL BUSINESSES SUCH AS: ONLINE PROMOTION FOR VARIOUS HIP HOP ARTIST CHARLIE LUCH YOUNG CHITOWN CRYSTAL METH DA MEAL TICKET PROVIDING UPDATED AND INFORMATIVE MARKETING STRATEGIES THAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM WORLD RENOWNED BUSINESS LEADERS BILL WALSH JON SARVER SANDY POWELL TO GRAB YOUR ATTENTION TO INTRODUCE MY UPCOMING BOOK(S) THAT YOU ARE SURE TO ENJOY My blogs are not long winded for the most part. I give direct information, to ensure that you will not be bored, but you will receive valuable information on various subjects. If you are asking yourself, about the subjects, stay tuned in to next week's updates. In the meantime, search the names above, and take whatever informati...
RELAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SUBJECT IS FOR ALL AGES So I am the type of gal that can talk about any and everything. Its just me. Which brings me to the "Mimi Video" Im not Wendy Williams but I love hot topics and this has been the trending event for the past two days. If you have not saw it, kinda good for On a few social networks I have shared pics, posted statuses that were funny to me and provided many comments. I seem to be ridiculed in "indulging" in this particular subject........ I am CHASITY....CEO OF LUV~UR~CITY! Let me break it down. I don't bash anyone or any subject. I speak on it. My goal is to one day bring some form of unity to this so called free country that we live in. I can find humor with a fine tooth comb towards before I insult someone for what some people feel is distasteful. I AM NO ONE'S JUDGE and if you have not obtained that particular degree neither are you. There is a difference from being opinionated and ...